Work History
Writing stories. Drawing favorite characters. Reading. Martial Arts.

Guadalupe Abigail Rivera Ruiz

Querétaro City, Querétaro


Hardworking, curious, committed apprentice in the art of creating and communicating deeply touching stories. Eager to expand professional and personal horizons by learning from masters of the current and past times. Invested in investigations and works about human nature.


years of professional experience

Work History


Jaime Cortes (Animator, Artist)
02.2023 - Current
  • Currently working under guidance of experienced professional in the animation, illustration and digital art field in order to create a pitch for illustrated novel of my authority.
  • Deepened learning on storytelling for graphic, illustrated and literary novels as well as character design.
  • Gained knowledge and practice under deadlines.

Teacher Helper

María Elena Melón Jareda
09.2018 - 11.2022
  • Collaborated amongst three classmates on a comic depicting the challenges of a couple of parents dealing with their son's autism as part of the investigation project "Design Process of an Alternate Reality Game (ARG) as a Strategy to Foster Social Support and Well-being of Mothers of Children with ASD," (N. L. Rodríguez and M. E. M. Jareda, 2019 IEEE 7th International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health (SeGAH), Kyoto, Japan, 2019, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/SeGAH.2019.8882440.)
  • Assisted faculty teacher on creating content for university's library biannual rally event "Yo amo leer"(I Love to read).

Social Services Intern

Manos Capaces I.A.P.
02.2021 - 05.2021
  • Made content for their linkedIn page twice a week about the school and work projects for people with disabilities, as well as raising awareness for social integration.
  • Learned on important topics related to disabilities and outstanding famous people who have dealt with some kind of them.

Social Services Intern

Cáritas De Querétaro I.A.P.
08.2020 - 11.2020
  • Created and managed posts from two to three times a week for fundraising sales information, poverty awareness and caregiving culture.

Peer Tutor

Private Tutoring Services
07.2017 - 09.2017
  • Helped middle school level students prepare for quizzes and examinations related to Mathematics, Physics, Spanish and English subjects.
  • Assisted students with homework and provided supplementary instruction.
  • Collaborated with students to complete homework assignments, identify lagging skills, and correct weaknesses.


Bachelor of Arts - Animation And Digital Art

Tecnológico De Monterrey
Querétaro City, Querétaro, Mexico


  • Continuing Education
  • Attention to Detail
  • Fluent in English
  • Individual Student Assistance
  • Cultural Awareness
  • Language learning enthusiasm
  • Character drawing
  • Fiction writing approach
  • Acting for animation


  • Graduation final score of 93/100 on University
  • Graduation final score of 97/100 on Highschool

Writing stories. Drawing favorite characters. Reading. Martial Arts.

Since childhood, I have kept my head on the clouds. Even though feet remain on earth, mind remains up there. Hence, inspired by tales, books, movies (mostly animated), paintings and History itself, I began writing occurrences, stories and dreams on my spare time, willing to someday make sense of them. As I also acquired love for the pencil, drawing my favorite fiction characters was expected to be natural (even though I wasn't used to posting them until just a year ago). In regards of Martial Arts, I find these multicultural disciplines as the bests sports I have ever performed, also since childhood, and which I wish to keep up with in the future (even if it is not professionally). All of these fields, I have found them to be liberators of the spirit. 


Advanced (C1)
Chinese (Mandarin)
Elementary (A2)
Elementary (A2)
Elementary (A2)
Elementary (A2)
Elementary (A2)



Jaime Cortes (Animator, Artist)
02.2023 - Current

Social Services Intern

Manos Capaces I.A.P.
02.2021 - 05.2021

Social Services Intern

Cáritas De Querétaro I.A.P.
08.2020 - 11.2020

Teacher Helper

María Elena Melón Jareda
09.2018 - 11.2022

Peer Tutor

Private Tutoring Services
07.2017 - 09.2017

Bachelor of Arts - Animation And Digital Art

Tecnológico De Monterrey
Guadalupe Abigail Rivera Ruiz